“…The spiritual man discerns all things…” (1 Corinthians 2:15)
The highest wisdom of human being is to know? knowing God! God is the Spirit; to worship God, we must worship in spirit and in truthfulness.
Today’s technology develops at a rapid pace, allowing us to connect with each other much more than before. Naturally, we would expect that mental issues to decrease, for pepole to feel more connected and more fulfilled. But actually mental illness has been increasing since 2006 and people now feel more lonely than ever.
How do we break our children out of this cycle? More technological advancements will only make the situation worse. Different agencies have for decades tried different programs to solve the mental illnesses, but to no avail.
The only way is to take care of the children’s inner being. How do we do that? By paying attention to and cultivating their spirit.
We offer following programs to help you and your children to know God, to exercise the spirit and to enjoy God who loves us!
Neighborhood Children’s Meetings
It is a joyful outdoor gathering. Children will learn to know God and God’s creation with lots of fun activities, crafts, singing and stories.
Time: After Spring Day Light Savings, Sat. 5-6PM
After Fall Day Light Savings, Sat. 3-4PM
Location: Live Oak Park (Chinese)
Arcadia Park (English)
Monrovia Library Park (English), Sat. 10:30-11:30AM
Note: The schedule will be adjusted according to the weather or holidays, please contact us for more details.
Children’s Meetings on Lord’s Day (Sunday)
This will happen at the church meeting hall second floor. Children will learn bible stories, children songs and do fun activities. The goal is to raise our kids to love God, honor parents, and respect others through a truthful, practical, and joyful learning environment.
Pre-school (0-3): Room 208
TK-K (3-5): Room 201
1st-2nd grade: Room 204
3rd-5th grade: Room 203
Young People (6th-12th): Room 202
Special Note: Each age group has a parents’ group chat or email subscription. Please ask for subscription the first time your kid attend the meeting. Serving ones will post children’s pictures videos and most up-to-date group outing invitations there.
Bible Camp
2nd – 5th Graders ONLY; Because of the the preparation work, we will not accept any registration after the due date.

Family Time
According to the previous data in past decades, a big number of church kids do not meet anymore after going to college. Their communication with families became lesser and lesser. A godly “Family Time” would be crucial for parents to build a intimate and spiritual relationship with children. There are ten lessons guide the parents to build up family time at home and this will also help parents and children to know and experience God as a family.
Content of 10 Lessons:
- What Shall This Child Be
- The Love Relationship between Parents and Children
- The Discipline of the Parents toward the Children
- Parents’ Communication with Children
- The Education of the Entire Person (1)—Spirit, Soul, and Body
- The Education of the Entire Person (2)—Spirit, Soul, and Body
- The Education of the Entire Person (3)—the Spirit, Soul, and Body
- The Education of the Entire Person (4), (5)—Corporate Living, the Goal and Ambition of Life
- The Education of the Entire Person (6)—Self-identity and Various Relationships
- The Education of the Entire Person (7)—The Knowledge of God
By perfecting of parents, children will be raised up in a sweet, solid and godly family with a wonderful family time and a high-quality parent-child relationships. In this way, children will be cultivated with a nice personality and a good character.
But Jesus said, Allow the little children and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens.
Matthew 19:14